After a rejuvenating three-week break, I’m eager to embark on the second phase of my epic adventure: reaching the southernmost point of the continent before heading back to the States.
Summer Interlude
The past few weeks have been a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with family and friends, immerse myself in Buenos Aires’ vibrant culture, and even squeeze in a thrilling round-trip flight to Sauce Viejo, Santa Fe (SVVO). The nighttime return journey offered breathtaking views. I also tackled the essential task of changing Diana’s oil – a challenge that proved more daunting under the scorching summer sun.

The Plan
With the pilot and plane ready, the only missing piece was a solid plan. My goal is to reach Ushuaia (SAWH), one of the world’s most southern airports, and hopefully catch a glimpse of penguins along the way. To get there, I’ll follow the Andes on the Argentinian side, making stops in captivating destinations like Chos Malal (SAHC), Chapelco (SAZY), Bariloche (SAZS), and El Calafate (SAWC). I’m excited to witness the majesty of Domuyo and Lanin Volcanos, soar over the picturesque Route of the Seven Lakes, and marvel at the breathtaking Perito Moreno Glacier. After arriving in Ushuaia, I’ll return on the Chilean side, visiting Punta Arenas (SCCI), Puerto Natales (SCNT), and Villarica (SCVI) to reconnect with friends.

Countdown to Departure
I’m set to depart on Monday, February 3rd. This phase will span approximately 25 hours of flight time, which I plan to complete over the next 10-15 days, allowing for a more leisurely pace to soak in the sights. Wish me luck!