After 7.5 hours of flight time, I arrived in Campo Grande, Brazil (SBCG), retracing the same flight path that brought me to South America. This leg was particularly challenging, with headwinds slowing me down and forcing me to make a crucial trade-off: speed for range.

Aerial Spectacle
The views, however, were again breathtaking. The majestic Paraná River, summer storms brewing in the afternoon, puffy white clouds contrasting with the deep green vegetation, and the bright yellow sun all combined to create a visual feast that no IMAX theater can match.

Bureaucratic Breakthrough
On the bureaucratic front, I was pleasantly surprised by the efficiency of the process. In just one hour, I had cleared all the obstacles: migration, customs, parking, fueling, and payment. A helpful customs officer even shared a valuable tip: one of the forms can be filled out online in advance. I’ll definitely take advantage of that next time I visit Brazil.

Pushing Forward
Well-rested after a 10-hour sleep the day before, I’m planning to push hard tomorrow. My goal is to reach Alta Floresta (SBAT) for a quick fuel stop and then continue on to Boa Vista, positioning myself to leave Brazil on Sunday. This ambitious plan requires 10 hours of flying, with a break in the middle. As a backup plan, I’ll stay in Alta Floresta if I’m tired or if the weather doesn’t cooperate.

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